Wednesday 8 June 2016

Stuck pregnancy

In my hippy world, I have come across a strange stuck pregnancy.  The female norn you can see in the picture is 1 hour and 23 minutes old, is experiencing her first pregnancy, and still has a menstrual cycle, and does not have the month counter showing in her fertility kit.

If you look at her Female Hormones chart, it doesn't exactly represent the typical result:

Child Moniker:1ZFK

Biochemistry: Reactions - Mismatch, Child Has 96, Mother has 92, Father has 92
The half-life gene has mutated....  Still not sure how to read that one easily.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Gene 01 01 11 has mutated:
       Mask:          **           
      Child: 01 02 01 4A 00 0D 04 02
    Parents: 01 02 01 42 00 0D 04 02

      Child: 11 Y F Mut/Dup/Del Creature : Reproductive : I am pregnant (egg & Sperm ready). NONE released from emitter. Threshold level=00 Sample Rate=0D Gain=04 Emitter type= Digital (o/p = Gain (If signal > threshold))
    Parents: 11 Y F Mut/Dup/Del Creature : Reproductive : I am pregnant (egg & Sperm ready). Progesterone released from emitter. Threshold level=00 Sample Rate=0D Gain=04 Emitter type= Digital (o/p = Gain (If signal > threshold))

Gene 01 02 1F has mutated:
       Mask:    **             **     
      Child: 01 43 02 3F 01 41 00 00 28
    Parents: 01 41 02 3F 01 41 01 00 28

      Child: 1F Y F Mut/Dup/Del 1 Glycotoxin + 2 Oestrogen -> 1 Gonadotrophin, Rate=40
    Parents: 1F Y F Mut/Dup/Del 1 Gonadotrophin + 2 Oestrogen -> 1 Gonadotrophin, Rate=40

Not sure why she's got Gonadotrophin, as she hasn't experienced glycotoxin poisoning.

I suspect that she could live out her entire life without laying her egg, as she does not secrete progesterone, and that triggers egg laying.

If anyone would like to investigate her genome further, it's available for download below:

Download her genome here!

1 comment:

  1. That is one really strange set of mutations! I can explain things over here, or would you like her to be the subject of a quick case study? This is a wonderful idea, sharing mutated genomes like this one. The D-DNA Analyzer puts things in a slightly different format, which I find to be a little easier to understand. Just out of curiosity, what program are you using to analyze differences in genes? I clearly can't resist a genetic analysis. Ha!
